Editor splash

Events > Layer visibly

This option list allows to change visibly of layers. I.e. visibly of all items, what is a member of target layer.


For add layer into the list, please, select them in list, and press to "+" for add this layer for his list.

For remove layer from list, select layer in one of three lists and press "-".


Note: If you using SMBX64 LVL file format, limit of layers for each list is 20. Layers outed from 20 items per list will not be saved in SMBX format.

By SMBX 1.3 possible add in list 21 layer, but SMBX have bug, what disabling deleting layers from list and copyng last layer from list.



Layer visibly tab


See also:

Events list

Layer movement

Autoscroll section

Change section settings

Common event features

Hold player control keys

Trigger other event





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